Thursday, June 19, 2008

Mystery Solved

Remember that my car keys have been missing since last Saturday, well today I lost my cell phone. I looked all over this morning for it with no luck. I figured I'd wait till Del came home from lunch and have him call it to see where it is. I finally got tired of waiting for him so I got on my online messenger in hopes that my Mom would be on and I could have her call it for me.
First Call- I was able to determine what floor it was on, Second floor.
Second Call- I was able to figure out what bedroom it was in, Lyndsey's room.
Third Call-Low and behold I found my cell phone under the cushion of Lyndsey's big pink chair. You will never guess what I found in the exact same place....MY KEYS!

My little rugrat has a new hiding place for Mommies stuff.

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