Thursday, March 13, 2008

Busy Week!

This week has FLOWN by! I honestly don't know where it went. Monday I had my pre-op bloodwork and paperwork galore to fill out. It all went well. Tuesday I had my very first mammogram. I was kinda nervous about it just because I haden't had it done before. Honestly it wasn't any big deal at all and was done and over with in no time. Hopefully I won't need another one for another 10 plus years.

On Wednesday I spent the day dropping Lyndsey off in Phoenix. I drove to Burbank, flew to Phoenix, dropped of Lyndsey with Grandma Kingsley, flew back to Burbank, drove back to Bakersfield and all with enough time to make it to my six o'clock class. Very impressive if you ask me.

Lyndsey's transition with Grandma and Grandpa is going well. They probably think I'm crazy for calling so many times but with it being the first time she had spent the night away from me, I was curious how it was going. They have nothing but great things to say about her and she slept all night long! Yay! I talked to her tonight and of course she didn't really say much back but she did say "Lala you" which means I love you in Lyndsey. She then kissed the phone and it melted my heart. Boy do I love that little girl. I'm glad she's having fun!

My surgery is just hours away now. I pampered myself today after class and had a massage and a pedicure. We also went out for a nice dinner and are going to a late movie. I have to be at the hospital at 5:30 am! Wish me luck!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Going Under The Knife

I'm sure most of you have heard, but for those that don't know, I'm going to be having breast reduction surgery in less than two weeks. It is scheduled for March 14th and I haven't been nervous until March 1st hit and now know that its only a few weeks away.
I keep thinking about how excited I am but am also scared of recovery and the thought of being sliced open and having several open wounds. I find that I'm having a hard time sleeping when I think about it. Pre-Op is next Wednesday and Del will be going with me so we know what to expect. Four ears are better than two.
Lyndsey will be spending about a week and a half with Grandpa and Grandma Kingsley in Phoenix. I'll be doing a one day round trip flight to Phoenix to drop her off and they will bring her back right before Easter. I've never spent a night away from her before so I think that first night might be hard for me. I've scheduled a pedicure, chiropractor adjustment, massage, dinner, and movie the night before surgery. It's my only "free" day so I thought instead of thinking of Lyndsey all day I can do things for myself.
I also have beeen busy "nesting". I thought this only happened right before a baby is due but I am finding myself constanting cleaning and getting things ready. I'm in the process of getting the office ready for Grandma Carpenter to come and help after Lyndsey comes home. I've gotta get our twin bed set up in there. It feels so good to be clutter free and organized.
I'll be sure to keep this updated in the next few weeks and I'm very excited to see how this is going to totally change my life.