Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Too Many Bows?
Bought a New Car
We got an awesome deal, traded in our old Focus, and now are the proud owners of an 05 GMC Envoy Denali. It is completely loaded and the drop down DVD player is awesome for Lyndsey. The gas mileage isn't the greatest but considering our town is so small and we work 2 miles from home, that isn't an issue for us. I love my new car. I think I need to name it. Any suggestions?
Halloween Cupcakes
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Trip to California
We eventually made it to Disneyland and met up with Grandma and Grandpa Kingsley. It was so nice to have their company and help with watching Lyndsey so Del and I could go on the bigger rides together. Lyndsey was absolutely in awe of the characters that she was able to meet. She even kissed Mickey Mouse on the nose. It was just so much fun to be able to see Disneyland through the eyes of a child and so magical. I remember being younger and going with friends to Disneyland. We would conquer the entire park in a day. With a two year old in tow, we didn't get through nearly as much as we would have liked. We learned that 1) Stay for two days next time 2)Have a hotel ready for the afternoon nap 3) A 45 min wait for the Peter Pan ride is NOT worth it.
I can't wait to go back again. We even got Lyndsey her very own set of Minnie Mouse ears.
Here are a few more Disney Pictures:
We couldn't leave without putting Lyndsey and Peyton in their Halloween costumes. Lyndsey is a peacock and Peyton is part of the SWAT team. Peyton's costume came complete with a baton and handcuffs. Aren't they cute! I also needed a few with my favorite little boys, Peyton and Warren. Lyndsey absolutely adored Baby Warren.
Although it was a tiresome trip, we had a blast and are looking forward to our next California adventure. I had to be at work on Saturday afternoon and had to leave for work at 2 p.m. We walked in the door at 1:51 p.m. and I had approximately 9 minutes to take a shower and get ready for work. Talk about cutting it a little too close for comfort.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
New Haircut
I asked my friend Stacia who here in Steamboat she could recommend. Stacia has nice hair so I figured I could trust who she sent me to.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Lyndsey's Bedroom
Thursday, October 9, 2008
No Soup for You!
After returning home I couldn't stop thinking about the Cream of Yellow Squash and Morel Mushroom Soup. I automatically thought about the Robison family last year at their old house and their mass quantities of squash. So envious!
I headed to the store while Grandpa was here so Lyndsey could sleep and I gathered all of the ingredients I was going to need. I had to stop by The Homesteader to pick up some Morel mushrooms because that's the only place in town that carries them. Do you know how expensive those things are. Look it up online, I dare you! The final product tasted just like the chef had made the night before. I'm in heaven!
Here is the recipe:
1/2 ounce morel mushrooms, dried
1/2 stick unsalted butter
4 yellow squash, crookneck, coarsely chopped
1/2 yellow onion, coarsely chopped
2 teaspoons garlic, chopped
6 chicken bouillon cubes
1/2 teaspoon turmeric
1/2 teaspoon cumin
1/2 teaspoon dry mustard
1/2 teaspoon cracked black pepper
1 cup heavy cream
2 tablespoons red bell pepper, small dice for garnish
Bring 1 cup of water to a boil and add the dried mushrooms. Cover and remove from heat. Allow mushrooms to soak for 20 minutes. Drain the softened mushrooms and reserve the liquid. Cute the mushrooms into 1/4 inch slices and rinse them under cool running water to remove dirt particles.
Combine butter, squash, onion, garlic, bouillon cubes, spices, and 2 cups of water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Cover and reduce heat, simmer for 15 minutes.
Pour cooked squash mixture into a blender and puree (carefully if hot). The mixture will be thick. Put back into pot. Temper the cream and add it to mixture along with 1/2 cup of the reserved mushroom liquid. Stir.
Add the sliced morels and the red bell peppers. Enjoy!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Rubber Ducky Races 2008
Every year here in Steamboat we have the rubber ducky races. This year 2500 rubber ducks were dumped into the river off the 5th street bridge. They then raced to the finish line at 13th street.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Hot Air Balloon Rodeo 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
I finally did it!
Our little family
Friday, June 20, 2008
Lyndsey Turns TWO!
It was a pretty low key event, two days before the movers came. We bbq'ed hamburgers and steaks, had potato salad, chips, drinks, and other snacks. After dinner, we opened gifts and ate cake. Yummy! It was fun and nice to hang out with everyone.
Here's a quick slide show
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Mystery Solved
First Call- I was able to determine what floor it was on, Second floor.
Second Call- I was able to figure out what bedroom it was in, Lyndsey's room.
Third Call-Low and behold I found my cell phone under the cushion of Lyndsey's big pink chair. You will never guess what I found in the exact same place....MY KEYS!
My little rugrat has a new hiding place for Mommies stuff.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Can't I just get my bear-proof can???
Also, I put on a pair of gloves yesterday and went through the 4 bags of trash that were sitting in our garage in search of my car keys. No such luck. They are still MIA.
Monday, June 16, 2008
The Vanished Keys
In a past situation it has been the mysterious lost cell phone. Lyndsey was probably 13 months in this particular instance. I asked her if she knew where Mommies cell phone was. Sure enough she walked right over to her toy box, dug through a few things, and handed over my phone. Unfortunately, Lyndsey now answers all questions with "I don't know".
So, if anyone has any clue on where I should look next, let me know. I think I'll dig through the toy box tomorrow.
We've MOVED!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Busy Week!
On Wednesday I spent the day dropping Lyndsey off in Phoenix. I drove to Burbank, flew to Phoenix, dropped of Lyndsey with Grandma Kingsley, flew back to Burbank, drove back to Bakersfield and all with enough time to make it to my six o'clock class. Very impressive if you ask me.
Lyndsey's transition with Grandma and Grandpa is going well. They probably think I'm crazy for calling so many times but with it being the first time she had spent the night away from me, I was curious how it was going. They have nothing but great things to say about her and she slept all night long! Yay! I talked to her tonight and of course she didn't really say much back but she did say "Lala you" which means I love you in Lyndsey. She then kissed the phone and it melted my heart. Boy do I love that little girl. I'm glad she's having fun!
My surgery is just hours away now. I pampered myself today after class and had a massage and a pedicure. We also went out for a nice dinner and are going to a late movie. I have to be at the hospital at 5:30 am! Wish me luck!
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Going Under The Knife
I keep thinking about how excited I am but am also scared of recovery and the thought of being sliced open and having several open wounds. I find that I'm having a hard time sleeping when I think about it. Pre-Op is next Wednesday and Del will be going with me so we know what to expect. Four ears are better than two.
Lyndsey will be spending about a week and a half with Grandpa and Grandma Kingsley in Phoenix. I'll be doing a one day round trip flight to Phoenix to drop her off and they will bring her back right before Easter. I've never spent a night away from her before so I think that first night might be hard for me. I've scheduled a pedicure, chiropractor adjustment, massage, dinner, and movie the night before surgery. It's my only "free" day so I thought instead of thinking of Lyndsey all day I can do things for myself.
I also have beeen busy "nesting". I thought this only happened right before a baby is due but I am finding myself constanting cleaning and getting things ready. I'm in the process of getting the office ready for Grandma Carpenter to come and help after Lyndsey comes home. I've gotta get our twin bed set up in there. It feels so good to be clutter free and organized.
I'll be sure to keep this updated in the next few weeks and I'm very excited to see how this is going to totally change my life.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Crazy Mervyn's Sale!
I then went back to the clothing section. I found 3 dresses for 6 dollars a piece and 3 shirts for 2 dollars a piece. Normally I would just pay for it all in one lum sum but today I mad everyone mad and did separate transactions to save some money. I paid 8 dollars for three dresses and three shirts for Lyndsey. What a bargain!
Final total was 14 dollars for 9 items. Everything was for next fall so I bought big.
A trip to the store can never be easy with a toddler in tow. During our shopping adventure I keep hearing Lyndsey say, "potty, potty, potty, poopy, poopy, poopy" and of course I continue to quickly search through all the piles of clothes in hopes of getting what I want before some other crazy shopper gets to it first. I then here, "MOMMY, EWWWWWWWW!!!" I look down much to my suprise, Lyndsey has a huge mound of poop that she is holding in her hand. I start freaking out as she has poop everywhere in the middle of the store to find ONE wipie left in my purse. My first though, "Dear Lord how am I going to do this?" We rush off the the bathroom and I frantically am trying to use toilet paper to clean her bum. Poop particles are flying everywhere. On me, on the floor, on the stroller, on her pants, on her socks! YUCK! Of course I didnt bring a change of clothes so we get cleaned up and finish our shopping with Lyndsey in a diaper and a shirt and me carrying poopy pants and socks. The lady at the counter told me that she was unable to give me a bag but to ask the office. I go to the office and the man continues to tell me that he can't give me a bag for the poopy clothes I have in my hand. By this time I'm frustrated, sweating, and tired. Lyndsey is crying, and I have a stack full of clothes that I still need to wait in line for. Finally the lady hands me a bag for the poopy clothes.
The trip would have been much better if we could have avoided the poopy explosion but I'm still glad we went!